sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2012

ISME 7th Annual Conference: Crafts, Traditions, Ideologies: Relations Between Theory and Practice in the Thought of Alasdair MacIntyre

Grand Valley State University
Eberhard Center
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
July 25 - 28, 2013

Proposals Due: 30 April 2013
email to 
Mark Moes

Conference Theme:Crafts, Traditions, Ideologies: Relations Between Theory and Practice in the Thought of Alasdair MacIntyre

Confirmed Keynotes:
Kenneth Sayre, University of Notre Dame
Ruth Groff, Saint Louis University
David Solomon, University of Notre Dame

POSSIBLE PRESENTATION TOPICS:The ancient craft analogy
The craft analogy and the Relation between theory and practice in Plato and Aristotle
Relationship between skills and virtues
‘Homo creator’ in Scotus Erigina, Nicholas of Cusa, and Vico
Relation between theory and practice in art, religion, and philosophy in Collingwood
Neuroscientific perspectives on relations between theory and practice
Value theory: goods, common goods, and the distinction between internal and external goods
Marx’s labor theory of value
Injustices institutionally built into capitalist modernity
Problems with liberal theories of justice
Consumerism and pleonexia
Dilemmas and problems of pluralist democracy
Ideology, self-deception, and the separation of theory from practice
Philosophy and theology as crafts
Is Business a Craft?
Is Teaching a Craft?
Richard Sennett’s The Craftsman and Matthew Crawford’s Shop Class as Soul CraftTechnology and craftsmanship: similarities and differences
Practical Reasoning
Partial truth and/or “pragmatist” theories of truth
Virtue epistemology
What is a tradition? John Henry Newman, Blondel’s History and Dogma, Yves Congar, etc.
Theory and Practice, Intellectual Passions, in Michael Polanyi’s Philosophy of ScienceCharles Taylor on the Modern “Excarnation” of Religious, Epistemic, and Moral Practices
Charles Taylor on “Code Fetishism” and Bureaucracy
Charles Taylor’s narrative of the “Construction of the Modern Epistemic Predicament”
Theory and practice in Maurice Blondel’s L’ActionJacques Maritain on Cognitivity and Creativity in Creative Intuition in Art and PoetryWhat is it to Follow a Rule? What is a Rule, and What Kinds of Rule exist?
Wealth, Waste, and Modernity in Joseph Conrad’s Nostromo

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

Nova dissertação sobre MacIntyre defendida na UFPI

A mestranda Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves defendeu a dissertação de mestrado O LUGAR DA VIRTUDE E DO SUJEITO MORAL NA FILOSOFIA DE ALASDAIR MACINTYRE no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ética e Epistemologia da UFPI, no dia 26 de setembro de 2012. A dissertação foi escrita sob orientação do Prof. Dr. Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho e teve ainda na banca examinadora os professores-doutores Elton Vitoriano Ribeiro (FAJE) e Daniel Arruda Nascimento (UFPI).

segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2012

Livro de J. Nicholas sobre MacIntyre e Teoria Crítica

Reason, Tradition, and the Good: MacIntyre's Tradition-Constituted Reason and Frankfurt School Critical Theory [Paperback]

Jeffery L. Nicholas (Author)
 Reason, Tradition, and the Good: MacIntyre's Tradition-Constituted Reason and Frankfurt School Critical Theory

Book Description

June 15, 2012
In Reason, Tradition, and the Good, Jeffery L. Nicholas addresses the failure of reason in modernity to bring about a just society, a society in which people can attain fulfillment. Developing the critical theory of the Frankfurt School, Nicholas argues that we rely too heavily on a conception of rationality that is divorced from tradition and, therefore, incapable of judging ends. Without the ability to judge ends, we cannot engage in debate about the good life or the proper goods that we as individuals and as a society should pursue.
Nicholas claims that the project of enlightenment—defined as the promotion of autonomous reason—failed because it was based on a deformed notion of reason as mere rationality, and that a critical theory of society aimed at human emancipation must turn to substantive reason, a reason constituted by and constitutive of tradition. To find a reason capable of judging ends, Nicholas suggests, we must turn to Alasdair MacIntyre’s Thomistic-Aristotelianism. Substantive reason comprises thinking and acting on the set of standards and beliefs within a particular tradition. It is the impossibility of enlightenment rationality to evaluate ends and the possibility of substantive reason to evaluate ends that makes the one unsuitable and the other suitable for a critical theory of society. Nicholas’s compelling argument, written in accessible language, remains committed to the promise of reason to help individuals achieve a good and just society and a good life. This requires, however, a complete revolution in the way we approach social life.
“Jeffery Nicholas has written an important and valuable book that invites its readers to discover the difficulties of late modern Western thought from the perspective of twentieth-century critical theory, and to consider a response to those difficulties drawn from the work of Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor.” —Christopher Stephen Lutz, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

Livro de Keith Breen sobre MacIntyre, Weber , Habermas e Arendt

Under Weber's Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and MacIntyre [Hardcover]

Keith Breen (Author) 
 Under Weber's Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and Macintyre

Book Description

August 30, 2012 075467908X 978-0754679080
"Under Weber's Shadow" presents an extended critical evaluation of the social and political thought of Jurgen Habermas, Hannah Arendt and Alasdair MacIntyre. Although hailing from very different philosophical traditions, these theorists all take as their starting-point Max Weber's seminal diagnosis of late modernity, the view that the world-historic processes of rationalization and disenchantment are paradoxical in promising freedom yet threatening servitude under the 'iron cage' of instrumental reason. However, each rejects his pessimistic understanding of the grounds and possibilities of political life, accusing him of complicity in the very realities he sought to resist. Seeking to move beyond Weber's monological view of the self, his subjectivism and his identification of the political with domination, they offer alternative, intersubjective conceptions of the subject, ethics and politics that allow for positive future possibilities. But this incontrovertible gain, it is argued, comes at the cost of depoliticizing key arenas of human endeavour and of neglecting the reality of struggle and contestation. Engaging with important current debates and literature, Keith Breen provides a rigorous analysis of the work of Habermas, Arendt, MacIntyre and Weber and a highly accessible and original intervention within contemporary social and political thought. "Under Weber's Shadow" will therefore be of interest to students and researchers alike within the areas of social and political theory, as well as those within the disciplines of ethics, sociology and philosophy.

sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2012

Publicada 2ª Edição de livro sobre filosofia de Alasdair MacIntyre

Prof. Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho, da Universidade Federal do Piauí, publicou a 2ª edição de seu livro TRADIÇÃO E RACIONALIDADE NA FILOSOFIA DE ALASDAIR MACINTYRE pela EDUFPI, em projeto editorial com a CreateSpace, subsidiária da
O livro está disponível para venda ao público no formato papel (paperback) e no formato eletrônico do Kindle pela internet nos sites da Amazon.

sábado, 8 de setembro de 2012

Defesa de Dissertação sobre MacIntyre na UFPB

A mestranda Thaline Luize Fontenele Ribeiro defendeu a dissertação "Os pressupostos de uma ética das virtudes na filosofia de Alasdair MacIntyre: prática, narrativa de vida e tradição" no último dia 6 de setembro de 2012, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. A dissertação foi escrita sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Marconi Pequeno (UFPB).