terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2010

ISME 5th Annual Conference - Providence College July 28-31, 2011

Call For Papers: International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry

ISME 5th Annual Conference
Providence College
July 28-31, 2011

“MacIntyre as Critic and Educator”

In classical antiquity, the pursuit of truth was seen as more than an academic exercise. It was a search
for, and choosing of, a way of life.

Alasdair MacIntyre’s thought has been portrayed as an attempt to recover for the contemporary world
the wisdom of ancient and medieval philosophy and to provide, using Marx, St. Thomas and others, a
thorough critique of the problems of modernity.

The goal of this conference is to explore the ways in which Alasdair MacIntyre’s philosophy contributes
to criticism that can engender new approaches to living and to education broadly understood.

Papers and panels related to the conference theme are welcome. Possible topics may include:
  • Is MacIntyre’s philosophy sufficient of itself to offer us a “way” of living?
  • Is it (only?) a way of enquiring?
  • Is it a way of teaching?
  • Is there such a thing as a MacIntyrean? What does this term mean when it is associated
  • with a philosopher? An economist? A theologian? A political theorist? An educator?
  • Can there be such a thing as a MacIntyrean curriculum?
  • Is there a canon and if so, what is MacIntyre’s place in it?
  • How has MacIntyre’s thought changed the way we approach the social sciences?
  • What does MacIntyre’s critique of modernity reveal for the way we must live in the
  • contemporary world?
  • What does his critique reveal about the way we do philosophy? The social sciences?
  • What is critical education? What role do educators have to the general public? What is
  • MacIntyre's relationship to Dewey or Friere?
  • What is Catholic Social Teaching? Can we teach social justice?
  • What is the relationship between education and critical social action? Should educators join
  • with social groups like labor unions?
  • What does it mean to be a public intellectual?
Paper proposals are welcome on any theme related to MacIntyre’s thought. Email abstracts of 350
words or less by
January 15, 2011 to Michael O’Neill
The conference sessions will be held on the campus of Providence College in Providence, RI.  Accommodations will be available in beautiful downtown Providence. Providence is accessible by T. F.  Green Airport in Warwick, RI (20 minutes by car/taxi). The city is one hour by car or train from Boston and Boston Logan Airport. Providence is three hours by car or train to New York City. Rhode Island beaches are less than 45 minutes by car from Providence.

Defesa de dissertação sobre MacIntyre na UFMG

No próximo dia 11 de novembro de 2010, a mestranda FLORA ROCHA CARDOSO defenderá no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais sua dissertação de mestrado "A teoria das virtudes de Alasdair MacIntyre", escrita sob orientação da Profa. Dra. Telma Birchal.

Reunião da ISME no American Catholic Philosophical Association Meeting

Dear all,

Please be advised of the following

American Catholic Philosophical Association Meeting -- Baltimore
Friday November 5, 2010 -- 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry -- Hubble Room
Chair: Jeffery Nicholas
Speaker: Michael Bauer, "Disputes about the Natural Law: Are They really so Intractable?"
Comment: Delilah Caldwell
Speaker: Michael O'Neil: Issues with Tradition- Constitutive Rationality
Comment: Christopher Lutz

Also, there is an ISME group on Facebook if you would like to join there.
